David Was a Man After God’s Own Heart:
The life of King David was very special to God. The Bible even states that David was a man after God’s own heart (Scriptures 1. David Was a Man After God’s Own Heart). So what was so special about David? Was he a righteous man who never sinned? No, absolutely not. David had the same sinful nature we all have and he did his share of sinning.
David Anointed King When a Child:
God knew David was special and sent Samuel to anoint David as king when David was just a child. (Scriptures 2. David Anointed King When a Child). But David had to wait decades before he would be king. We never hear David complain about that in the Bible, so perhaps David waited on the Lord with patience.
David had Strong Faith:
David’s faith in God was abnormally strong. Even in his youth, he fought a giant when no one else would and saved all his people. Before killing the giant Philistine Goliath, David stated that the Lord would rescue him from the hand of this Philistine (Scriptures 3. David had Strong Faith). That’s a lot of faith. No one else had that kind of faith in God. Not even their strongest warriors. David continued to have this kind of faith throughout his life.
David Obedient to God:
He not only had faith, but David was also obedient to God. David would ask the Lord what he should do, and did what God said – even if it seemed impossible. (Scriptures 4. David Obedient and Followed Lord’s Direction). God always came through and David’s army conquered all.
Blood on His Hands – Many Enemies:
David’s reign was full of bloodshed. God didn’t just give his people the land, they had to fight and overtake the land. The people they had to fight were bigger and stronger. They wouldn’t have been able to succeed without the help of God or without a king that was obedient to God. Many people died during King David’s reign (Scriptures 5. Blood on His Hands). That’s what David’s reign was all about. Killing and conquering.
Sense David’s reign was full of bloodshed, he had many enemies. Enemies that wanted him dead. David had to deal with this throughout his reign as king. Even David’s own son wanted to kill him so he could be king. There was a lot of anxiety, stress, and grief (Scriptures 6. Many Enemies). David did not have it easy, that is for sure.
Humble Before God:
One of David’s best qualities was his humbleness before God. David did not point a finger or deny his own sins, but repented and humbled himself. (Scriptures 7. David Humble and Repentant).
Building God’s Temple:
Building God’s temple was one of David’s most heart felt hopes. But God wouldn’t allow David to build the temple sense he had so much blood on his hands. God told David that his son Solomon will build the temple (Scriptures 8. Building God’s Temple). Instead of getting angry or feeling cheated, David prepared the way for Solomon and purchased materials and taught Solomon all that needed to be done, so Solomon would be ready when the time came. I look up to David for doing that. David was not a selfish or self-centered man.
Conclusion: The Life of King David:
It’s easy to see why David was a man after God’s own heart. Finding humbleness and faith that strong and obedience that brave is a rarity.
David went through a lot of hard times, even though he was so truly loved by God. This can help make us think of how we should see ourselves during the hard times. Not getting angry at God or feeling cheated. But as someone chosen and loved by God, relying on Jesus to get us through.
See: The Life of King David Bible Study Worksheet
See: Part 4 #1. The Life of Solomon
See: Part 3 #9. A Prayer for Direction
See: Free Bible Study Worksheets
Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers
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