Contact jenaministries

Contact jenaministries Info:

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I would love to hear your comments and/or questions. An email is a great way to contact jenaministries. I try look at my emails ( everyday.

I know I am not a professional writer, or a scholar, nor am I attempting to be one. My goal and desire is simply to serve the Lord and be a blessing for Him and for you.

Any suggestions on how to improve this website would be much appreciated.

Also, I would love to hear some feedback of which pages or workbooks touched your heart the most, and what were your favorite parts. Feedback on anything included in this website that you feel is inaccurate would be appreciated also. It is important to me to represent the facts referring the Lord and scriptures correctly and effectively.

What makes this study unique is that I try to add a personal testimony to each page. Testimonies seem to work best when trying to relay a concept to others. Therefore, I feel it is an important part of this study.

God bless and always remember, JESUS LOVES YOU!

About jenaministries


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