Will I Know What to Say?

Will I Know What to Say?  by jenaministries


Has the Lord ever nudged you to go speak to a person about Jesus, but you didn’t know what to say?  Those are the best testimonies.   The ones that we have to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance.

These days, we don’t even have to approach a person physically.  But we can speak through email, social media, texts, and many more.   But even so, if we’re led to give testimony, it sometimes is difficult to know what to say.

Paul Relied on Holy Spirit:

The Apostle Paul explained in 1 Corinthians (Scripture 1 – Paul relied on Holy Spirit)  that he came to their people in great fear and trembling.  And his message and preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that their faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.  So even Paul didn’t always know what he was going to say, but trusted the Holy Spirit to lead.

Holy Spirit Teaches and Reminds:

The Holy Spirit is our connection to Jesus and God the Father (Scriptures 2 – Holy Spirit Teaches and Reminds Us).  Jesus explained that the Holy Spirit, who God the Father sends to us, will teach us all things and will remind us of everything Jesus had said (for us, that would be everything we read or studied in the Holy Bible).

I’m so thankful that I don’t live in a country where it is illegal to witness or teach about Jesus. From what I’ve heard, there are people in this world today who face execution for that. Jesus spoke about that in Mark 13 and Matthew 10 (Scriptures 3 – Don’t Worry What to Say). The Lord Jesus said not to worry about what to say before the authoritative people, for the Holy Spirit will speak through you.

Personal Testimony – Will I Know What to Say?:

When I first started this website, I wrote about past experiences for my personal testimonies.   I didn’t rely on the Holy Spirit to give me what to say since they were all from memory.   But now that I am on my 28th article, I am at the point where I write about my present and I now rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me.  My goal is to write two new articles every month, and so far, I have accomplished that.   I am now continually praying for a new idea and testimony to write about.  And the Holy Spirit has not let me down.

Conclusion – Will I Know What to Say?:

If you’re afraid or feel uncomfortable to approach people about Jesus, let the Holy Spirit guide you with strength and wisdom.   The Holy Spirit is real and is alive today, working through all who believe and trust.   God faithfully gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who asks for it.  You can trust Him.  The more you walk with Jesus, the more you learn to trust Him, for He is faithful.

PDF: Will I Know What to Say?

See: Serving & Witnessing Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #12. What is Your Ministry?

Also See: Part 2 #11. Does God Really Lead Us?

See: Part 3 #5. A Prayer for Fear

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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