Does God Really Lead Us?

Does God Really Lead Us?  by jenaministries


Does God really lead us in our life?   Does He get involved in our decision making and our way of living?   Absolutely yes, if we allow Him.  Not all the time and maybe even not most of the time.   But the Lord knows when we are heading down a wrong path and will turn us around onto the right path.

The Bible:

Of course, the Holy Bible gives us guidance and has many scriptures about God leading us (Scriptures – God Leads).  We can always count on the Bible to give us guidance and wisdom.  But what about the unique individual paths we find ourselves on or the decisions we need to make?  Sometimes we need to hear from God to find our way.

For me, Jesus doesn’t usually lead me which way to go with things that I consider important in my life.   I pray about things like buying a house, or what to do for a living; and I get no direction from Him.  But then when I come to the Lord with my everyday stuff, He’ll sometimes turn me around and head me a different direction.  

Personal Testimony – Does God Lead Us?:

An example is when my son was 17.  He was getting into trouble and hanging around friends that I believed were not good for him.  I just knew that if he got a job, things would get better.   He would feel better about himself, make some new and better friends, and see that having some extra cash feels good.  So I started telling him to fill out job applications and I would help him get a job.

But that wasn’t what he wanted and he fought it.  I just knew a job was what he needed, so I continued to be persistent about it.  That brought a lot of stress between us, and one day we had a really intense argument about it.

I went to the Lord that day and told the Lord how frustrated I was with my son.  The Lord told me not to talk badly about His child (my son) who is good and is who He loves and to go ask my son what he wanted and whatever it was, give it to him.   Well I certainly didn’t feel that would work.  Surely he’ll ask for a new car or a million dollars or something I could not give him.  But ended up my son said he just wanted to be a kid a little while longer.  Our family had been through some hard times and my son felt cheated from his childhood.   That’s it, that’s all he wanted, and I was able to give that to him.  I was also able to give my son an awesome testimony about what God did for him.

In my experience, that’s how the Lord leads. I wasn’t asking for guidance, and I felt I was doing the right thing. But I can’t see people’s hearts and what other people (even my own children) feel. It changed the way I thought. It taught me how to have patience and to just love no matter what is going on. This experience did change the way I lived my life.

Conclusion – Does God Lead Us?:

If we don’t go to the Lord with our everyday life, we won’t give the Lord the opportunity to lead us.   Even if we go to Him with things that we consider important, and get no guidance, doesn’t mean He doesn’t lead us.   He knows when we need direction.  But if we don’t come to Jesus with everything, we may miss out on His wonderful guidance.   He does provide a path of which way to go.   We just need to follow Jesus.  Every day, every chance.  Follow Jesus.

PDF: Does God Really Lead Us?

See: Jesus Loves and Leads Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #7. Does Jesus Love You?

Also See: Part 2 #13. Will I Know What to Say?

See: Part 3 #9. A Prayer for Direction

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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