What is Your Ministry?

What is Your Ministry?  by jenaministries


Do you have a ministry?  It doesn’t have to be anything big.  You don’t have to be a preacher or a missionary traveling the world to have a great ministry.  Though those ministries are awesome, we can have our behind the scenes personal ministries.  Sometimes these ministries can feel small and unimportant, but if that’s where Jesus put you, it is very significant and valuable.

The Lord has given each and every one of us gifts in the spirit for certain ministries (Scriptures 1 – We All Have Our Gifts).  The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12  that different people have different gifts.  Whatever gift you have been blessed with; you should use in your ministry.  If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Your ministry doesn’t necessarily have to be a great sacrifice, though any sacrifices you make for your ministries pleases God.  

Jesus wants us to do good work for His glory (Scriptures 2 – Do Good Works and Serve Others).  Everything we do in our ministry should be for God and about God.  If all you’re doing is good deeds (just to be nice), and not doing it for Jesus, then it might not be considered a ministry.   So they may just be good deeds.  Our goal in our ministries should always be to lead people to Jesus.

Personal Testimony – What is Your Ministry?:

I have an example of one of my personal ministries the Lord blessed me with.   I was working full-time for a municipality.   Through the years, I managed to save up a lot of leave time.   When fellow employees would run out of all their leave time (usually a serious illness was involved), they could send out a notice asking for donations of leave time.  The Lord blessed me with the ability to donate some hours.  And as I filled out the donation forms, I would pray for that employee.  So it turned into a ministry of giving, helping, and praying.

After I retired, I started this website (jenaministries.com).  I can express my ideas and testimonies much better in writing.   Giving testimonies in person face to face is not a gift the Lord has given me.  Therefore this website has been an awesome way for me to express my beliefs and give my testimonies.  And it also helps keep me in study of His word and my relationship with Him in my mind.   In my website, I can see every day which articles were viewed and what City/State/Country the visitor was in when they viewed the article.   I try make it a point to pray for all the visitors each day according to what article they viewed.  I have on the average a couple views every day, so I’m praying for someone almost every day; and I’ll probably be praying for you and your personal ministry soon.

Conclusion: What is Your Ministry?:

So, what is your ministry?  What gifts has the Lord blessed you with?  What good works do you do for the Lord?   Does your way of life please God?  Could you maybe do more?   

PDF: What is Your Ministry?

See: Serving & Witnessing Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 1 #14. What is God’s Will for You?

Also See: Part 2 #13. Will I Know What to Say?

See: Part 3 #7 A Prayer for Purpose

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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