How Can We Forgive?

How Can We Forgive?  by jenaministries


Forgiveness can sometimes be a very difficult thing.  Sometimes we struggle and try to forgive, but it just seems impossible.  We need God’s help.  That’s the key to forgiveness – Let God help you.

The definition in my iphone app WordNet3.0 of the verb “forgive” is – 1) to cease to feel resentment against, on account of wrong committed; 2) to give up claim to requital from or retribution upon an offender; 3) to absolve; 4) to pardon.

Let’s look at what scripture from the Holy Bible says about forgiveness  (Scriptures 1. What the Bible Says About Forgiveness).

Jesus said in the book of Matthew that if we do not forgive others their sins, then our Father in Heaven will not forgive us our sins.  Even if the sins against us are relentless and continual.  Yikes.

There are some things we can do that can help us to forgive.

Put the Past Behind & Move Forward – How to Forgive:

● Putting the past behind us and focusing on today and moving forward to the future helps.   When we dwell on the past hurts, we can get stuck and not be able to move forward (Scriptures 2. Put the Past Behind Us and Move Forward). 

The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians that forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, presses on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Even before Jesus was born, the Prophet Isaiah prophesied the Lord said to forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  That the Lord is doing a new thing!

God’s Will, Not Ours – How to Forgive:

● Concentrating on God’s will and on spiritual things, not our own Earthly desires and needs can help bring us to forgiveness also (Scriptures 3. God’s Will, Not Ours).  

Fixing our eyes on Jesus allows Jesus to lead us and makes our faith complete. When we set our minds on things above (not on Earthly things), the Earthly problems can fade.

Pray for Our Enemies – How to Forgive:

● Last but certainly not least is praying for our enemies.  When we pray for our enemies (for good things to our enemies), we give the Holy Spirit a chance to touch our hearts about those enemies.   Sometimes God reveals to us how He (God) feels for that enemy.  God can give us a different perspective about that person which can allow us to be able to understand more and to forgive (Scriptures 4. Pray for Our Enemies).

Jesus made it very clear in the book of Matthew and Luke that we should love and pray for our enemies and do good to those who mistreat us.  Let the Lord lead you on what you should do.   


Praying and reading God’s word is key.  Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, including forgiving.  Forgiveness helps us more than it helps the ones we are forgiving.   Holding anger and resentment in is seriously unhealthy.   Jesus wants what is best for us.  He doesn’t want us to damage our well-being.

Just because you still feel hurt about what someone did, doesn’t necessarily mean you have not forgiven them.   There will be triggers that remind you of your pain.  Feeling hurt doesn’t always mean you still have resentment to that person. 

Forgiveness also does not mean that we have to allow the abuse or hurtful acts to continue.  It is perfectly ok and important to set boundaries.

Personal Testimony:

The Lord has led me to cut certain people out of my everyday life, and also has led me to just love others no matter what they do. I was usually heading a completely different direction and the Lord put me on the right path, making it much easier to finally forgive and let go of the resentment.

The worst thing you can do is decide on your own how to handle the situation.  Let the Lord help you and lead you.   You may be truly surprised how the omnipotent Lord leads you and helps you to forgive.

PDF: How Can We Forgive?

See: Forgiving Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #4. Are You Under Attack?

Also See: Part 2 #5. Can You Pray Wrong?

See: Part 3 #3. A Prayer for Forgiving

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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