A Prayer for Forgiving

A Prayer for Forgiving  by jenaministries
A Prayer for Forgiving


Dear Lord, (A Prayer for Forgiving)

Thank you:

Thank you for my salvation.  I am so grateful that you are a holy and righteous God.  I never have to worry if you are being truthful or good.   You always keep your promises and you always work for our spiritual wellbeing.

We Must Forgive Others:

You have taught me in your Word (Matthew 6:14-15) that if I don’t forgive others who sin against me, then you will not forgive me my sins.  That’s a troubling thought for me since I have difficulty forgiving others.  Especially those who continue to do things that upset me with no remorse.  Please help me overcome this weakness.  Give me the strength and wisdom to forgive those who sin against me.   I need your help.

Even if the sin against me is a current and reoccurring offense, you still require us to forgive (Matthew 18:21-35).  I understand that it is not healthy for us to hold in resentment.  We need to forgive others for our own wellbeing.  But as I let go of the resentment, help me to set boundaries, so I do not continue to get hurt.   Just because I forgive someone doesn’t mean I should let them continue to sin against me.  I need to set boundaries, and I need you to take the lead on that.  Please guide my actions.

Please Forgive Me:

As I work on forgiving others, please forgive me my sins, and there are many.  I’m so grateful that it is never too late to turn to you (Luke 23:39-43).  Just like the criminal who was crucified beside you, you forgave him at the last moments of his life.  All he had to do is ask for forgiveness, and you guaranteed him that he would be in paradise with you later that day.  How beautiful that is.

I Need Your Help:

You know how my heart breaks and how these offenses have negatively affected me.   You know how I struggle to get past these offenses done against me and/or my loved ones. They don’t deserve my forgiveness and they definitely haven’t asked for it either.  However, I know I need to do this and I understand why.  The resentment must leave me.

Help me to see my offenders through your eyes.  Surely, you love them.  You can see their hurts and their hearts.  You understand why they have done these things. 

Thank you for being involved in our most personal lives.  Thank you for your guidance and wisdom as we walk down this sometimes most difficult road of life.  My comforter, my guide, and my savior;  I love you so much – more than anything.

In the powerful, wonderful name of Jesus – Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Forgiving

See More Prayers on:  List of Prayers

See: Part 2 #8. How Can We Forgive

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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