Can You Pray Wrong?

Can You Pray Wrong?  by jenaministries


Does God answer your prayers the way you want Him to?  Has anyone ever told you that you pray wrong?  Praying is just talking to God,  so how can you do that wrong? 

Only Pray for Ourselves:

But the Bible does tell us we can pray wrong if we only pray for ourselves and what we want or need, We should not always come to God with just our list.  I know that’s not easy.  It comes naturally to pray for stuff we want and need.

But we should pray with good motives.   We should pray that God’s will be done in our situations.   Not to pray only for ourselves and for our own pleasure.   See (Scripture 1. Wrong Motives – James 4:2-3) .  This scripture explains that we ask but don’t receive because we ask with wrong motives, that we may spend what we get on our pleasures.   

Asking for the Lord’s will to be done during a stressful situation brings peace in our hearts and helps us get through any trial or storm we face.

In every situation, we should try to ask God for wisdom of what His will is in that situation.  God tells us in scripture  (Scripture 2. If You Lack Wisdom – James 1:5) that God gives wisdom to those who ask Him for it. 

We can also ask God for wisdom of what we should pray for.   Sometimes when you ask God to pray for things that He wants you to pray for can change the way you pray.  Certainly not every time, but Jesus knows when and how to touch our hearts with perfect timing.

Personal Testimony – Can You Pray Wrong?:

A friend requested prayer for his young adult son.  His son just found out he had cancer.   Later, when I started to pray for his son, I thought I heard the Lord say, “Don’t pray for him”.   I thought maybe it was my imagination, but when I started praying again, the same thing happened.   So, I did not pray for my friend’s son.   The next time I saw my friend, he told me that his son was lying and was just trying to hurt his dad.  He did not have cancer.

Trust God:

Also, If we’re trusting God, we won’t be as worried or anxious when bad situations come our way.  See  (Scripture 3. Do Not Be Anxious – Philippians 4:6-7).  This scripture tells us not to worry or be anxious about anything, and to pray our petitions with thanksgiving. Then Jesus will be able to bring you peace in that situation.

Jesus himself taught us how to pray.   (Scripture 4. This is How You Should Pray – Matthew 6:9-13).  First recognize God as God and that He is your loving father.   I try to always start prayers with giving thanks.  When we thank God for all the good stuff in our lives, we are recognizing that everything comes from Him and that He is God and a good father.  

Next Jesus taught us to ask for His will to be done in our lives.  Then once you are in the mind frame of recognizing God as God and a loving father, and wanting His will to be done through you, then you ask for things on your list.  

Conclusion – Can You Pray Wrong?:

So bottom line, we shouldn’t make our prayers about me, me, me – rather about God, God, God. Praying isn’t all about getting stuff we want or think we need. It’s about getting closer to God and living for Jesus.

PDF: Can You Pray Wrong?

See: Living Right Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #6. Do You Show Favoritism?

Also See: Part 2 #8. How Can We Forgive?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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