Are You Under Attack?

Are You Under Attack?  by jenaministries


I’ve heard several people say, “I’m under attack from the enemy”.   Some people believe that when one bad thing after another happens to them, that it is the devil attacking.   

How the Enemy Attacks:

I do not believe that is how the enemy (the devil, Satan, Lucifer) would attack.   I think that the devil would attack with temptations that would cause us to turn away from Jesus.  Why would he attack with trials and hardships when trials and hardships cause us to cry out to God and get closer to Jesus?   It would make more sense for him to use temptations like money, fame, sex, and power; that make us prideful and feel like we don’t need a savior.   Therefore, falling away from God.


Jesus taught a lot about money.  He made it very clear that the love of money can separate us from God. We have to be very careful not to fall into that temptation.    In Luke 16:13, Jesus explained that we cannot serve both God and money (Scripture 1. Cannot Serve Both God and Money).   It’s either one or the other.  

He (Jesus) also explained how hard it is for a rich person to get to heaven (Scripture 2.  Hard for Rich to Enter Kingdom of God).  Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.  The eye of a needle is not referring to a needle that we sew thread with, but a small narrow opening made for just one person.  It is possible for a camel to get through one, but the camel may break a few bones to do it.  So Jesus wasn’t saying that it is totally impossible for a rich person to get to heaven. But rather it is extremely difficult.  The more money we have, the more prideful and further away from God we tend to get.

Good and Bad – Are You Under Attack?:

God spoke to the prophet Isaiah and told him that He (God) brings all things – good and bad (Scripture 3. God Brings Good and Bad).   It may feel like we are under attack when God brings us bad things, but God probably has a good reason for what He does.   Maybe He’s trying to get you to a higher level of spirituality or just trying to get you to cry out to Him.

Personal Testimony:

That’s what happened to me.  It took a lot of bad for God to finally reach me.   I was at my lowest point ever when I finally cried out to God; giving Jesus the opportunity to prove Himself to me.

ConclusionAre You Under Attack?:

So, is one bad thing after another coming to you?   Then great, God is probably bringing you closer to Him.   But are you being blessed with fame and fortune?  Uh oh, best be careful – you may be under attack!

PDF: Are You Under Attack?

See: Forgiving Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 1 #15. Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen?

Also See: Part 2 #8. How Can We Forgive?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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