The Life of Moses – Born at a horrible time:
The life of Moses starts out being born a Hebrew during a horrible time. The Hebrews were slaves and were multiplying too fast. So, the Pharaoh gave order to kill every Hebrew boy born (Scriptures 1 – Exodus 1:22 – Kill every boy born).
Moses Raised by Pharaoh’s Daughter in Royalty:
Moses’ mother hid her baby boy for three months, but she couldn’t hide him any longer. As a desperate act to try and keep the boy alive, she put her baby in a basket and placed the basket along the bank of the Nile where the Pharaoh’s Egyptian women would go to bathe. She had her daughter (Moses’ sister) watch from a distance to see what happened.
Pharaoh’s daughter found baby Moses and wanted to keep him, but she needed someone to nurse him. So the Moses’ sister asked if she should go find a Hebrew women to nurse the baby and Pharaoh’s daughter agreed. So, Moses was nursed by his mother and was not killed like all the other Hebrew boys. When Moses grew older, she took him to the Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh’s daughter raised Moses as an Egyptian in royalty (Scriptures 2 – Exodus 2:1-10 – Moses raised by Pharaoh’s daughter).
The bible doesn’t make it clear if Moses knew he was born a Hebrew or not or how old he was when he was turned over to the Pharaoh’s daughter. “Either way, Moses was raised in an Egyptian royal family. There is an indication that he knew he was born Hebrew in Exodus 2: 11 stating “One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor.” Moses saw a Hebrew being mistreated and stuck up for him, actually killing the abusive Egyptian (Scripture 3 – Exodus 2:11-15 – Moses killed an Egyptian and fled to Midian). Moses had to flee after that in fear of the Egyptians’ retaliation.
The Life of Moses – Moses Settled in Midian:
He settled in Midian. Married a daughter of a Priest and had children. He seemed to be living a simple life of tending flock and raising children for several years. But the simple life was about to end when he saw the burning bush (Scripture 4 – Exodus 3:1-10 – Burning bush).
God Speaks to Moses:
God spoke to Moses through the burning bush explaining how he has heard the cries of his people. God said to Moses “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” Moses desperately tried to talk God into using someone else. (Scripture 5 – Exodus 4:10-13 – Moses questions his abilities to speak boldly). But God knew Moses was the one. However, he did allow Aaron the Levite to go with him and speak for him if needed. Moses must have been terrified.
But he did leave his simple life and face Pharaoh. God used Moses to perform mighty miracles to get the Israelites free. Moses became the leader to millions of people. He would speak to God and come back glowing so much that it scared people. God gave Moses the ten commandments. Moses was a great leader and a humble servant to the Lord up until he died at an old age.
Writings of Moses:
A Prayer of Moses – Psalms 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands!
The Song of Moses – Deuteronomy 32:3-4 I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.
Conclusion – The Life of Moses:
Willing to leave a life of royalty, and then willing to leave a simple life, Moses shows us we can do great things when we follow the Lord. Sometimes it’s frightening. And sometimes we don’t think we’re able. Sometimes we fall or even fail. But if we are obedient and follow Jesus, even if we cannot see it, great things happen.
PDF: The Life of Moses
See: Life of Moses Bible Study Worksheet
See: Part 2 #3. What is Stopping You?
Also See: Part 3 #7. A Prayer for Purpose
See: Free Bible Study Worksheets
Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers
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