What is Stopping You?

What is Stopping You?  by jenaministries


The story of the Apostle Paul is compelling and speaks to us today about what may be stopping you.

Paul’s Situation:

Paul was raised from a child to be a pharisee.  He describes himself as a Pharisee (Scripture 1.  Paul as a Pharisee – Philippians 3:3-7).

Paul (aka Saul) as a Pharisee was very successful and well known.  Pharisees did well financially and had all the finest things (Scripture 2.  Pharisees loved money – Luke 16:14-15).  People all over the land knew who Paul was and what he was all about.  He had a mission in life to take Christians as prisoners, which would probably lead to a horrible death (Scripture 3.  Paul’s Mission – Acts 9:1-2)

Jesus spoke about Pharisees as being prideful, selfish, and condemned to hell.   Though they followed all the Jewish laws and traditions, they totally lacked in service, love, and humility (Scripture 4.  Jesus Spoke of Pharisees – Matt 23:27-28 & 33).

So Paul was not only a prideful Pharisee, but he was a Christian killer, very strong and proud in his beliefs.    

Paul’s Conversion:

But God touched Paul in a miraculous way.   Jesus struck him blind (Scripture  5. Paul blinded – Acts 9:3-12).   God knew it would take something miraculous to get Paul’s attention.  The Lord touches each of us the way that we need to be touched in order to believe the truth and be saved.

Paul had a lot to give up and to be afraid of.   If he turned to Christ, he would gain enemies of his former fellow Pharisees and chief priests.   Surely, they would want to find him and kill him.  He also had significant wealth and possessions as a Pharisee which he’d have to give up.   And certainly, Christians wouldn’t trust him, being that they knew him as a Pharisee seeking to kill them.   As a Pharisee, Paul obeyed all the Jewish laws and traditions, but following and serving Christ is a completely different way of life that he would have to learn and adjust to.   It was an extremely difficult transition for Paul.

But even with all that, Paul grabbed the bull by the horns and was a powerful Christian leader.   He started so many churches, which included bringing in the Gentiles to Christ.   Most of the New Testament is letters that Paul wrote to churches.   Paul performed many miracles  (Scripture  6. Paul Performed Miracles – Acts 19:11-12).  The Lord used Paul in such a powerful way.

Personal Testimony – What is Stopping You?:

I was in my 40’s when I finally turned to Jesus.  I was a realist and needed proof before I believed anything.  Thankfully (thank you Jesus!), the Holy Spirit touched me (so powerfully, I could not deny it) when I was at my lowest point of my life.  The Lord was patient and waited for the perfect time and place, touching me the exact way I needed.

Conclusion – What is Stopping You?:

If you haven’t yet made that step to make Christ your lord, what’s stopping you?   Is there something you don’t want to give up?  Are you concerned about persecution?  Do you just feel you don’t need a lord?  Or do you think you’re a good person and that is enough?  Do you just not believe all this Jesus stuff?  It sure looks like the Apostle Paul had good reason to consider all these things.   But thank God, he still chose Jesus and made a big difference in the world.  Why don’t you choose Jesus today!

PDF: What is Stopping You

See: Why Not? Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #1. Too Late for Me a Sinner

Also See: Part 4 #2. The Life of Moses

See: Part 4 #3. The Life of Apostle Paul

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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