Even Dogs Get Scraps that Fall and Jesus Healed Possessed Daughter
Jesus Came to Earth for the Jews Only:
When Jesus came to Earth as a man, he came for God’s chosen people of Israel only. He did not minister to the Gentiles, but only to the Jews. But still, he did have compassion for the Gentiles that came to him in faith.
The Greek Woman With a Demon Possessed Daughter:
There was a Canaanite woman who was a Greek (born in Syrian Phoenicia) who had a daughter that was suffering due to being possessed by a demon. We don’t see that happen very much nowadays, but apparently it was much more common in biblical times.
Woman Prepared:
The women probably knew that Jesus came only for the Jews which she was not. But she believed he could heal her daughter. When she heard Jesus was in the area, she had to prepare herself for Jesus rejecting her plead since she wasn’t a Jew. I imagine she thought of every scenario of how Jesus may respond to her request and came up with a counter response. By the time she got to Jesus, she was prepared for whatever he was going to say or respond.
Jesus Responded as Expected – Only for the Jews:
And he did indeed respond as expected (Scriptures 1: Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30). First he just ignored her and acted like he didn’t hear or see her. But she kept on pleading for Jesus to help her. She came and knelt down before him begging him to heal her daughter. Finally, Jesus responded by saying “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”.
We can read that today and think Jesus was being mean or cold to that woman, but he really wasn’t. He wasn’t calling her a dog or saying she was unimportant, but was just saying he had come for only the Jews.
Woman Responded with Great Faith – Even Dogs Eat What Falls:
But the woman was prepared and had a response ready. She said “Yes it is, Lord. Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
Jesus Healed Possessed Daughter:
Jesus had compassion for her and realized she had great faith. He granted her request and healed her daughter at that moment.
Again, another miracle proving that if we have great faith in Jesus, anything can happen.
PDF: Even Dogs Get Scraps that Fall and Jesus Healed Possessed Daughter
See Part 6 #4: Gentiles Received Holy Spirit?
Also See Part 3 #1: A Prayer for Faith
See: Free Bible Study Worksheets
Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers
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