Gentiles Received Holy Spirit

Gentiles Received Holy Spirit

The way God included Gentiles to also receive the Holy Spirit was nothing shy of a miracle.  Some could believe it consists of several miracles.  (1) Peter had a vision, (2) a gentile Centurion was visited by an Angel, (3) God spoke to Peter giving clear instructions, and (4) the men sent by the Centurion found Peter right after his vision and God’s instructions. God timed it out and performed each event perfectly.

When Jesus came to Earth, he only ministered to the Jews.  And after his crucifixion, it was well known that the Holy Spirit was only for God’s chosen people, the Jews.  God had to perform miracles in order to convince the disciples that the Holy Spirit is for the Gentiles also. 

It starts with Peter on a roof and went into a trance and saw a vision (Scriptures 1:  Peter’s Vision on Roof   Acts 10:9-16).  He saw heaven open up. Animals that Jews were not allowed to eat come down. A voice told Peter to kill and eat the animals. But Peter said he would never eat anything impure or unclean.  And the voice told Peter to not call anything impure that God has made clean.  This happened three times.  So Peter was very perplexed.

Then three men came to the gate of the house where Peter was at and were looking for Peter.  Before Peter knew of these three men, God explained to him not to hesitate to go with the three men, for God had sent them (Scriptures 2:  Peter Met Men Sent by Cornelius   Acts 10:17-22). The three men explained they were sent by a Centurion, Cornelius, who was visited by an angel.  The angel told Cornelius to ask Peter to come to his house so he could hear Peter speak.     

So Peter and a couple of Jewish brothers went with the three men to Cornelius’ house.  Cornelius explained how he was visited by an angel and what the angel said (Scriptures 3:  Cornelius Visited by an Angel   Acts 10:23-33).  Peter was convinced that he was sent by God to teach Cornelius and his household about Jesus.   And he taught them about the saving grace (Scriptures 4:  Peter Taught Gentiles About Jesus   Acts 10:34-43)

As Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles and they spoke in tongues (Scriptures 5:  Holy Spirit Came Upon the Gentiles   Acts 10:44-46)

Peter came to realize that God’s Holy Spirit is also for the Gentiles, and he baptized the Gentiles in water (Scriptures 6:  Peter Baptized Gentiles   Acts 10:47-48)

From then on, Gentiles were included as God’s chosen people and received the same saving grace of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

PDF: Gentiles Received Holy Spirit

See Part 2 #7: Does Jesus Love You?

Also See Part 3 #1: A Prayer for Faith

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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