A Prayer for Faith

A Prayer For Faith  by jenaministries
A Prayer for Faith


Dear Lord, (A prayer for faith)

Giving Thanks:

Thank you for being my God, my comforter, my friend, and my healer.  I am so grateful that you are always there for me.  No matter what I’ve done or haven’t done; no matter where I am or how I feel; you are always there to reach out to.  Thank you for all the wonderful blessings you have bestowed upon me and my loved ones.  You have proved yourself over and over again.


Though you have proved your faithfulness many times, I still struggle with my faith and belief.   Just like your disciples (Matthew 8:26, Matthew 14:29-32), I have witnessed miracles and have experienced your love, yet still my faith could be stronger. 

Nothing is impossible:

You say nothing is impossible for us if we have faith (Matthew 17:20), yet I find mountains of impossibilities surround me.  

Please forgive me for my faithlessness and unbelief.  Help me overcome my unbelief (Mark 9:22-24).  I know I believe in you and trust you, but for some reason, the world has a hold on me – weakening my faith in you.

Sometimes I pray and pray over something and see no answer, which brings doubt.  I do understand you can’t answer our every request.  If that happened, we would be like Gods and would come to a point of not seeing you as God and feel we didn’t need you.  I’m not asking for a faith that gets my every request granted.  I want the kind of faith that can move mountains in my life and in the life of others.

I long for faith like the bleeding women  (Mark 5:25-34)  and the Centurion  (Luke 7:6-10).  Doubt did not have any room in their faith.

I need your help to get there.  I realize I will never make it to a perfect and complete faith, but it certainly can be stronger.   Please help me to rely on you for every aspect of my life.

Thank you for hearing me and thank you in advance for what you’re going to do.  Of course, I pray all these things in that wonderful and powerful name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

PDF: A Prayer for Faith

See More Prayers on: List of Prayers

See: Part 1 #3. Do Miracles Really Happen Today?

See: Part 2 #7. Does Jesus Love You?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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