Martha and Mary Sisters – Listen and Learn or Serve?

Martha and Mary

Martha and Mary Sisters

Martha and Mary were sisters.   Martha opened the door to Jesus and invited him to eat (Scriptures 1.  At the Home of Martha and Mary  Luke 10:38-42).  Martha was busy preparing the food, but Mary wasn’t helping at all.  She was just sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to him.   Martha got frustrated and requested Jesus to tell Mary to help her with the food preparation.  But Jesus’ reply was unexpected.  Jesus told Martha that Mary was doing the better thing, listening to him.    

For some, Jesus’ reply seems unfair.  Why should Martha have to do all the work?  Jesus was invited to eat, so someone had to do the cooking and preparing.  If both Mary and Martha had sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to him, there would have been no meal to eat.  That could have been considered rude to invite someone to eat, but not prepare a meal.  And I imagine that Jesus was probably hungry.

But it was more important for Jesus to teach Martha priorities than to sustain his hunger.  Our priorities should be to listen and learn from the Lord first, then serve others.  That one on one time with God and the Holy Bible is very important.  It’s how we get to know God and learn what his will for us.   It allows God to lead and direct us.  If you are serving others first without listening and learning from God, then you are just doing it to help others.  Which is not a bad thing.  But if you want to serve the Lord, you need to listen and learn first.

Jesus, at another time, explained the importance of listening and learning.  It’s crucial for our salvation (Scriptures 2.   I Never Knew You Away From Me   Matthew 7:21-23).  We can follow all the rules to the best of our abilities, drive demons out of people, go to church regularly, help the needy, and give to the poor; but still not be saved.   To be saved and  make  Jesus our lord, we must have that one on one time with him and spend time studying his word (Holy Bible).  That’s how we get to know him and learn his will for us.

The sisters Martha and Mary had another important learning experience with Jesus.  Their brother Lazarus had fallen ill.  Very ill.  So the sisters sent a desperate word to Jesus (Scriptures 3.  Martha and Mary and Lazarus   John 11:1-44).  But Jesus didn’t rush over to them because he wanted to teach something.  By the time Jesus finally got there, Lazarus had already been dead and in the tomb for a while.  Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.  But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”  Jesus did raise Lazarus from the dead.

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came Lazarus’ house for a dinner given in Jesus’ honor (Scriptures 4.  Jesus Anointed with Expensive Perfume   John 12:1-8).  Martha did the food preparation.  Lazarus declined at the table with Jesus.  Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair.  One of the disciples complained that she shouldn’t have wasted expensive perfume, but should have sold it for money to give to the poor.  Jesus told him that the perfume was intended for the day of his burial.  And that they will always have the poor among them, but they will not always have him (in person). 

Jesus used Martha and Mary to teach us that we should always put him (Jesus) first.  Then serve others as led by him.  Jesus should always be above everyone and everything else in our lives.

PDF: Martha and Mary Sisters – Listen and Learn or Serve?

See Bible Study: Martha and Mary Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 3 #15 A Prayer for Putting God First

Also See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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