A Prayer for Putting God First

A Prayer for Putting God First

Dear Lord,

I usually come to you with requests of what I want you to do for me, and I am so grateful that you hear my every prayer.    But this time, I’m asking you to help me put you first.

It is so easy to think of my comfort first and foremost.  We come to you with our lists of requests for you to do in order to make us feel better.  But I know that we’re not supposed to do that as our first and foremost thing.  And we are to love you with all our heart, soul, and mind.  We are to put you first, then ourselves and others (Scriptures 1 –  God First).   I must admit, that is a hard thing to do.

Even when you taught us how to pray (Scriptures 2 –  How to Pray), you taught us first recognize God as our Lord (our master), then ask for your will (not ours) to be done on Earth.  Help me Lord to pray like that. May it not become routine or mundane. Rather it come from my heart and my soul; truly living it.

We are supposed to think of you first.  And think of you all the time.  That’s hard to do when we are struggling to be happy in this world.  But we must keep our eyes on you, which is where true happiness is (Scriptures 3 –  Keep Eyes on You).

And we should always follow (and obey) you, for you know what’s best for us (Scriptures 4 –  Follow You, You Know Best).  We think we know what is good for us, but we really don’t.  Even if we think you are leading us somewhere out of our comfort zone, we should always obey and follow.  You will never lead us wrong.  Not to say there will never be suffering, but to say you have a bigger plan and purpose.  We must pick up our cross and follow you!  Your will is so much more important than ours.  Help me Lord, to always follow you, no matter what the circumstances.

Help me to not worry about things, but to just trust in you (Scriptures 5 –  Trust in You).  It’s easy to think we can handle our own situations and solve our own problems.  We often times don’t even give you the opportunity to take care of things, even though that is the first thing we should do.  We wait until we make a mess of things, then go to you for help.  But if we always put you first, these things wouldn’t happen to us.  Oh, help us Lord.

You are so much more important than our possessions.  However, it is easy to put our possessions above you (Scriptures 6  –  Possessions).  Our possessions make our lives easier and better.  They give us comfort and satisfaction.  Don’t let us get too comfortable in our worldly possessions.  Help us put you before all our Earthly belongings.

Please help me put you first!  Forgive me for my selfishness.  Convict my heart when I stray.

I pray in your powerful, wonderful name of Jesus Christ, my Lord!  Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Putting God First

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