A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

Dear Lord,

Thank you Jesus for being you.

I usually come to you with a list of things I want or need you to do.  But this time I come to just give you honor and praise.  Not for what you have done for me, but just for who you are.  

You are the only one true God.  There is no other like you.  No one can come close to compare  (Scriptures 1 – NO OTHER GOD).  You are the first and the last; the Alpha and Omega (Scriptures 2 – FIRST AND LAST, ALPHA AND OMEGA).

I also praise you for never changing.  You are the same yesterday, today, and forever (Scriptures 3 – SAME YESTERDAY TODAY FOREVER). We can believe everything you taught people long ago.  It all still holds true and always will.  Your word is for forever.

I never have to worry that you got it wrong or made a mistake.  You are always right, correct, and just.  Perfect in all ways (Scriptures 4  – PERFECT). You are the creator of all things (Scriptures 5 – CREATOR OF ALL THINGS).  You have perfect knowledge about everything.  There is nothing you don’t understand or not sure what to do. 

And you are trustworthy and never lie (Scriptures 6 – NEVER LIE, FAITHFUL). You are faithful like we can never be.  We never have to figure out if you’re telling the truth or falsehood.  You always tell the truth.  When you make a promise, you keep it.

Most of all, you are love.   You love us more than we could ever love (Scriptures 7 – GOD IS LOVE).   And you show us how to love and you pour your love on us. 

I wholeheartedly agree with Moses when he said:

Deuteronomy 32:3-4  “For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God! “The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.

So yes, thank you for being you.  I praise you for who you are and for what you are doing. Praise to God almighty Lord Jesus.   Amen.

PDF: A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

See More Prayers on: List of Prayers

See Part 1 #8: What is the Presence of God?

Also See Part 2 #5: Can You Pray Wrong?

Also See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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