Can Christian Gentiles Get In the New Jerusalem?

Can Gentiles get in the New Jerusalem?

Can Christian Gentiles Get In the New Jerusalem?

Sometimes the Holy Bible can be confusing; especially in the last book of the Bible – Revelation.  That is a very hard book to understand and to take in. 

When the seven seals are opened, horrific stuff happens (Fire, War, Famine, Earthquakes, Locus, etc.).  A third of mankind is killed. 

Then there is judgement day (Scriptures 1 – Judgement Day).  All the dead people get judged according to what they had done.  All the people whose name is not in the book of life get thrown in the lake of fire.

After all that happens, the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven.  It has twelve gates , one for each tribe of Israel.  Each gate is named one of the tribes of Israel (Scriptures 2 – The New Jerusalem Twelve Gates).  There are three gates at each end (North, South, East, & West).

That leads me to question, what about Christian gentiles like me?  Are we going to be able to get into one of those gates?  Specifically stating the twelve tribes on the gates could lead to the understanding that you have to go through your tribe’s gate to get in.

So, maybe Christian gentiles live outside the New Jerusalem.  But no, that’s not the case either.   Outside of New Jerusalem are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood (Scriptures 3 – Outside New Jerusalem).  No thank you.  Don’t want to go there.

Surely there must be a place for us Christian Gentiles.  That’s who God sent the Apostle Paul out to teach – the Gentiles.  God made it very clear – the Gentiles are all part of God’s people.  Salvation and heaven are for them too.

I’m hoping the twelve tribes of Israel on the gates just represent (or symbolize) God’s chosen people.  Christian gentiles are God’s chosen people too and hopefully we can get through the gates as well.

Or maybe the New Jerusalem is just for the living at that time and heaven is somewhere else.   I don’t think that’s the case, but just throwing the idea out there.

It’s ok if we get confused when reading the Holy Bible.  We are not supposed to understand everything in the Bible, or we would be gods ourself.  But we can rest assured that God is good and that we Christians are saved and will be with him forever.

PDF: Can Christian Gentiles Get In the New Jerusalem?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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