A Prayer for Discernment & Wisdom

A Prayer for Discernment & Wisdom

Dear Lord,

I come to you in humility and ask for discernment and wisdom so that I may better serve you (Psalm 119:125) and understand your statutes.  

Thank you for your Holy Spirit that touches our hearts and brings us comfort and knowledge (Exodus 31:3).  I pray Lord, that your Holy Spirit be with me through this entire journey of life you’ve given me.  Thank you for never forsaking me.

May false prophets and/or religious leaders not sway me from the truth that is from only you.  I pray I have discernment when someone tells me something false, especially when they say it is a word from God; even if it is from a preacher or someone with a high spiritual reputation. 

And help me as I teach people and try to lead them to you (2 Chronicles 1:10).  Give me wisdom of what to say.   May every word I say come from you and honor you (Psalm 111:10).          

You say (James 1:3-7) if we ask for wisdom, you will give it to us without finding fault.  Help me to be persistent in seeking wisdom from you.  Motivate me to study scriptures and read the Bible regularly.

I’m not praying for worldly wisdom.  Too much of that leads to arrogance and pride.    But more so, I’m praying for your wisdom (James 3:15-17).  The wisdom that leads to peace, respect, love, and mercy.

I do, however, seek discernment of people who are evil and may appear outwardly to be good.  Help me and my loved ones to have discernment when danger or evil is near.

As you give me wisdom, please help me not to boast about it. But to only boast in you (1 Corinthians 1:28-31), which is where all wisdom and discernment comes from.  I don’t want to appear like I think I know everything or that I’m super knowledgeable.  Or appear that I think I’m better than others.   I just want to be a better servant for you.

Most of all Lord, I desire wisdom that will bring me closer to you (Ephesians 1:17) and know you better.  For there is no better place to be than in your presence. I pray in that wonderful name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior.  Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Discernment & Wisdom

See More Prayers on: List of Prayers

See: Part 1 #2. Can You Hear God’s Voice?

See: Part 1 #8. What is The Presence of God?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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