Can You Hear God’s Voice?

Can You Hear God's Voice by jenaministries


Does the Lord actually speak through a voice that we can hear? Can you actually hear God’s Voice?

Let’s look at some scripture about hearing God’s voice:

John 10:26-27   (Jesus said) “You do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Psalms 29:4  The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is majestic.

John 10:14-16     (Jesus said) “I am the good shepherd.  I know my own and my own know me.  I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. And I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, that there will be one flock, and one shepherd.”

John 8:47   The one who belongs to God listens to what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.

Though it is true that God speaks in many ways (through scriptures, through other people, spiritual dreams, etc.); but He does have an actual voice that speaks to us in a very personal way.

My personal experience is that hearing God’s voice doesn’t happen often, and there is always a confirmation.  I can only remember a few times that I actually heard His voice.  It usually changes the direction I am headed and the way I think.

I’ve never heard His voice when I asked Him a question or asked for direction.  It has always been on His terms, and there was a spiritual reason for it.  I’ll just be praying about something, and He will unexpectedly speak.

During a hectic time in my life, I prayed to the Lord that life was just too busy, and was so very tired.  I told Jesus that I needed to take a break from going to church.  I would still read the Bible and pray, but I need to rest.  God spoke to me and said, “What if I was at your church in person? What if I was walking down the aisle? How would you feel if you missed it?”  I suddenly felt that I had missed it and started sobbing.  I’m not much of a crier, but at that moment I wept for a long time.  So, I told the Lord I will keep going to church.  

That next Sunday in church during the worship time, the pastor interrupted us (something I’ve never seen him do before).  The pastor said “The Lord has just instructed me to ask this question.  What if He was here in person?  What if He was actually walking down this aisle?  Would you behave differently? No that’s not right, would you come to church then if otherwise wouldn’t?”  After worship time ended, the pastor said, “The Lord IS here and He doesn’t want you to miss it.”  What a lovely confirmation.  Besides quarantining for COVID, I have never taken a break from church.

For the most part, if you are not constantly praying, or are not continually in His word, you may not be able to hear His voice.  My experience is that I heard His voice at times of hardship and trouble when my prayers were desperate.  In my experience, it takes a lot of work on our part to be able to open our ears to hear the Lord’s voice.  I’ve heard people say they always hear God’s voice.  They can ask Him what to eat for lunch, and He will tell them.  That has not been my experience.  For me, hearing God’s voice is few and far between and is always life changing and changing my way of thinking; and there is always a confirmation.  It also is more of a feeling than hearing. I feel what He says. I don’t hear an audible voice.

If you have not heard God’s voice, maybe you need to get closer to Him or maybe you need to be more obedient.  Pray constantly about everything – every hidden secret, every feeling good or bad, every decision small or significant.  Don’t stress out or get upset if you don’t hear His voice, just let it happen on His time.  If He needs to say something to you, He will find a way.

PDF: Can You Hear God’s Voice?

See: God’s Presence & Voice Bible Study Worksheet

Also See: Part 1 #8. What is the Presence of God for You?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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