A Prayer for Inner Peace

a prayer for peace

A Prayer for Inner Peace

Dear Lord,

You are the all-mighty God and much mightier than any problems we may face.  I am so grateful for your Holy Spirit that comforts our souls and the peace you bring.

I so desperately need your peace right now. 

You say not to worry or be anxious about anything, but to trust in you (Philippians 4:4-8) and pray with thanksgiving.   Please help me to do that.  This stress is weighing me down.  Often times, I forget to go to you and try handle stressful situations myself.  I don’t remember to go to you until I have made a mess of things. 

Help me to remember to start my prayers with thanksgivings.  When we remember what we are thankful for, it makes the stress shrink.  We realize all you have done for us and it gives us faith that you will see us through our current problems also.

You told us in this world, we will have trouble (John 16:33), but not to worry for you have overcome the world.  No one is exempt from troubles in this world.  I don’t expect life to go easily and smoothly.  But sometimes, it does get overwhelming and I need you to intercede. 

Only you, Lord, can bring peace in the midst of the storms.  You are the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), and you are the Author of Peace as well (1 Corinthians 14:33).  Peace comes from you!

Lord, please comfort my heart with your Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).  May I have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, even though I have these troubles.  I want to be that person that people look at and ask, “how can this person be at peace with all the trouble surrounding?”.

Help me to keep my mind stayed on you, Lord.    You will give perfect peace to those whose mind is stayed on You (Isaiah 26:3).  I need some of that perfect peace.  I’m going to try to keep my mind on you always.  Please be my center and give me strength.

Lord, I pray for those who don’t know you or your perfect peace.  May they find you.  Touch them with your Holy Spirit.  Draw them onto you and give them that peace beyond all understanding.

Thank you so much for that perfect loving peace that only comes from you.

In the name of my Lord, Jesus, I pray.  Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Inner Peace

See More Prayers on:  List of Prayers

Also See: Part 1 #7 Peace and Joy in Hard Times

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