A Prayer for Finances

prayer for finances by jenaministries

A Prayer for Finances


Dear Lord,

Thank you for my life and for being my God.  My life is so tiny in the big scope of things.  Yet you are here with me, guiding and comforting. 

You know my every situation and you know the struggle I have with finances.   You say in your Word (James 4:2-3that sometimes we do not have because we do not ask you for it.   So, I’m now asking for help with my finances.  

Not Too Much:

I’m not asking to be rich.  I don’t want to be like King Solomon (1 Kings 3:11-13) (who you gave everything he could want), and have strong temptations to not follow you.   And please don’t give me anything that could make me turn away from you (Matthew 19:16-23).   You know my weaknesses and having too much is such a strong temptation.

If you would help me with my source of income (maybe a new job and/or career), I believe things would be so much better.  Open doors of opportunities that I can’t even think of.  Lead me to a job where you can use me for your glory. 


Help me with my budget and how I can downsize if necessary.   I’m sorry I haven’t been tithing as I would like to (2 Corinthians 9:7).  You have blessed me with so many things and I really want to give back to you (2 Corinthians 9:8).


I also pray for your peace during this storm I have found myself in (Philippians 4:6-7).  This is all so very stressful on my family.  But your peace is stronger than any stress imaginable (John 16:33).   

I wait in anticipation for what you are going to do.  You have never let me down, and you will come through for me again.  I claim that right now.

I pray in that sweet, but powerful name of Jesus, my Lord.


PDF: A Prayer for Finances

See More Prayers on:  List of Prayers

See: Part 2 #14. Can We Always Be Content?

See: Part 2 #15. Why Should I Tithe?

See: Part 4 #1. The Life of Solomon

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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