Can We Always Be Content?

Can We Always Be Content?  by jenaministries


It’s easy to be content when we have everything we want, but how often does that happen?  There is always someone that has it better than us.  The grass is always greener on the other side. 

Be Content:

But the Lord wants us to be content (Scriptures 1 – Be Content).  No matter what little we think we have, or how we feel; we should always strive for contentment with what the good Lord has given us.   I believe that’s part of the process of serving and getting close to Jesus.

Do Not Envy:

We should not be envious of what other people have (Scriptures 2 – Do Not Envy or Covet).  If we covet, we can easily become prideful and egotistical.  We can get to a lifestyle of constantly trying to keep up with our neighbors.  What we have or don’t have can become our main focus in life, and we will never be satisfied.  But the Lord wants to be the main focus and that’s what we should strive for.

Always being content may not be possible.   At one point or another, you may find yourself having a hard time with even the basic needs.   It’s not a sin to not be content.  1 Timothy 6:8 says, “But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”  So the Bible does state there is a limit to contentment.   If you don’t have the basic needs, it may be impossible to be content.  If you’re in a season of severe pain and struggle, and you just cannot find contentment, that’s ok.   Just pray for help and don’t feel bad about asking others for help either.

Personal Testimony: Can We Always Be Content?:

I didn’t come to know the Lord until I hit rock bottom.  Everything was going wrong and I didn’t know how I would survive.  Definitely did not feel content.   But the Lord was still there for me.  Even though I was so angry at God and told Him so every day, He was still there for me.  Even though I hated my life and would pray for years to go by without me having to have to live through them, He was still there for me.  Those were my worst worldly years, but my best spiritual years.  I saw miracles.  I heard the Lord’s voice and received guidance and healings from Him.  He did eventually teach me how to be content, but it took several years.  I have been content ever since.

Conclusion: Can We Always Be Content?:

Being that that was my experience, I would say that if you’re going through a horrible time and you just can’t find contentment, don’t be too hard on yourself.  Though the Lord tells us to be content, it is ok to have a season of healing and learning.  The Lord is not going to stop loving you or stop being faithful to you no matter what state of mind you are in.   Let the Lord heal your life and lead you.   If you surrender to Him, He will bring you to a place of contentment.  It may take a little while, but you will get there. 

PDF: Can We Always Be Content?

See: Giving Contentment Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #15. Why Should I Tithe?

Also See: Part 3 #2. A Prayer for Rest

See: Part 3 #10. A Prayer for Finances

See: Part 4 #1. The Life of Solomon

Also See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

Be Content

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