Too Late for Me a Sinner?

Too Late for Me a Sinner?  by jenaministries


Some people believe it is too late for them to be saved and/or they can’t be saved because they are a sinner.  I don’t believe that to be true for anyone.  

Let’s look at scripture referring the criminals crucified with Jesus (Scripture 1 – Criminals Crucified with Jesus):

One of the criminals being crucified alongside Jesus hurled insults at Jesus.  The other criminal alongside Jesus repented and admitted he deserved to be crucified, but Jesus didn’t and he asked Jesus to remember him.  Jesus told that criminal he will be in paradise.

The second criminal repented just before he died, and he was saved.   This criminal must have done something really sinful in his life since he was judged to be crucified.   He admitted that he deserved to be crucified.  There wasn’t an opportunity for him to turn his life around and make things right first.  He simply repented to Jesus and was saved.

So, you don’t have to change your life first and stop sinning.   You can come to Jesus as you are.  If there is a sin that has a strong hold on you, Jesus will help you get past it.  We are all sinners.  No one deserves to be saved.  Just because there is a sin you can’t beat, don’t let that stop you from repenting to Jesus.  Jesus wants to go through the process of healing with you and help you.

Look at the Apostle Paul.  Before he was saved, he was a Pharisee.  His main goal in life was to take Christians to prison where they would most likely be executed (Scripture 2 – Paul’s Mission for Christians).  Yet Jesus forgave him and used him greatly for the kingdom of God.

It may seem unfair that a very bad person (like a serial murderer or rapist) can repent at the end of his/her life and still get to heaven; yet a good person who never repented to Jesus does not.  But let’s remember God knows everything.  We don’t know what’s going on in anyone’s heart and we don’t know what happens in someone’s heart just before the moment of death.  So let God be God and don’t question Him.

I have a family member (my Dad) who lived a long life (over 90 years) thinking that people who went to church were all hypocrites.  He also would say “it’s too late for me, I’m a sinner”.  It was in his last years of life when he actually agreed to occasionally attend service at my church.  He eventually told me he had been wrong; not all church people are hypocrites.  He really liked my pastor and his sermons, and learned a lot in just those few times he attended my church service.   Just a few days before he died, my pastor visited him in the hospital and my pastor told me that my Dad genuinely repented to Jesus.

As long as we have breath, it is not too late.  Don’t let a stronghold stop you from being saved.  Let Jesus help you.   Don’t put off the best decision you will ever make because of a childhood belief or a stronghold sin.   Reach out to Jesus as you are.  Don’t wait!

PDF: Too Late for Me, a Sinner?

See: Why Not? Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #3. What is Stopping You?

Also See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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