What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

The sin that will not be forgiven – blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said it is an eternal sin, never to be forgiven (Scriptures 1 – Never Forgiven).   But what does that mean?   What would that look like?  Have I ever done that?

Jesus said “anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come”.  Therefore, if we blasphemy the Holy Spirit before we ask Jesus into our hearts, would we still be saved and go to heaven when we die?  Or does it mean there is no possibility of being saved thereafter?  Or does it have no relevance to salvation?  What are the consequences of never being forgiven of that act?

In order to get some perspective, let’s look at what was going on when Jesus said this.  Pharisees were accusing Jesus of being possessed by the devil when he was driving out demons from possessed people (Scriptures 2 – Jesus Accused).  He said it because they were saying he had an impure spirit.

A definition of blasphemy is – An act of irreverence or contempt towards a god or towards something considered sacred.

So, to speak blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would be to accuse the spirit of God as being impure or evil.  I’ve never seen or heard anyone do that.  I’ve been angry at God before and felt forsaken (and told Him so), but I never accused the spirit of God as being evil or impure.

Anyone who knows Jesus knows that only the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit are pure and holy.  Everyone else falls short.  No person can be as pure and holy as God.  We can try, but cannot fully succeed.  We can (and should) strive towards being pure.  But we need God’s help to even get close.

I am so grateful that God is holy and pure.  We never have to worry if Jesus is dishonest or deceitful.  I can always count on him to lead me on a straight path.

I still wonder if someone does blasphemy the Holy Spirit, what the consequences of that would be.  Especially if they are speaking out of anger or hurt feelings and didn’t really mean or believe it.

One thing I do sincerely believe is that we can count on God to be fair and just.  For he is our pure and holy creator who loves us.

PDF: What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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