The First Miracle – Water to Wine

The First Miracle – Water to Wine

The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding reception (Scriptures 1.  Jesus Changes Water Into Wine    John 2:1-11) where he turned water into wine.

Jesus already had a few disciples.  These disciples weren’t following him because they saw Jesus perform miracles, but because John the Baptist pointed Jesus out to them (Scriptures 2.  John the Baptist Testified About Jesus    John 1:29-34).  John had been giving testimony of Jesus for a while and was preparing the way for Jesus to start his ministry.   When John saw Jesus at a distance, he pointed to him and told the people around him that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world – the one he had been teaching about.  That statement John made quickly passed around and caused people to start following Jesus.

That was when Jesus starting accumulating disciples (Scriptures 3.  Jesus Chooses First Disciples   John 1:35-43).

Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding.  Jesus’ mother, Mary, was also there.  Something unexpected happened.  They ran out of wine and this was a big problem.  Providing more wine was not Jesus’ idea.  His mother, Mary, was the one who got that ball rolling.  She went to Jesus and told him they are out of wine.

Jesus was a bit defiant and told her it is not his time yet (the hour has not yet come).  But Mary knew he would take care of it and simply told the servants to do whatever he says.

Even though Jesus may not have believed it was his time yet, he still was respectful to his mother and did it anyway.  He told the servants to fill six stone water jars with water.  Then draw some of that water out and serve it to the master of the banquet.  That must have seemed so crazy to those servants.  And they may have felt worried, fearing retaliation for serving just water.  Thankfully the servants were obedient to Mary and Jesus and did serve the master of the banquet as directed. 

After tasting the water turned into wine, the master of the banquet said to the bridegroom “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now”.  So not only did Jesus turn water into wine, but he turned it into the best wine of the event.  Probably the best wine ever made.

Jesus needed his mother’s intuition and little push to get his ministry started.  There was no turning back once that first miracle was done in public.  Once that was done, Jesus knew it was time to buckle up and start doing what he came to Earth as a man for. 

So his powerful ministry began.

PDF: The First Miracle – Water to Wine

See Part 1 #3: Do Miracles Really Happen Today?

Also See Part 1 #12 Does God Heal Miraculously Today?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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