Is There Intelligent Life on Other Planets?

life on other planets?

What does the Bible say?:

Is there intelligent life on other planets? What does the Bible say about that?

I’ve heard a pastor say:  “If you believe there is life on other planets; just get that thought out of your mind.   Just stop it.”   I must admit, that didn’t sit well with me.  Thankfully, we have the Holy Bible we can read and study for ourselves.

God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars:

God made the sun and moon (two great lights) so we could have light on Earth and a way to tell time.  The sun is the greater light for daytime and the moon for night (Scriptures 1:   Light in Sky for Light on Earth – Genesis 1:14-18).  Then a quick little verse “He also made the stars”.  The Bible doesn’t say he made all the stars for the sole purpose of Earth to see or tell time at night.  And, it doesn’t seem to give any reason why he made so many stars or if he put life on any of those stars.

God Knows Every Star by Name:

Clearly, God made the stars.  He determines how many stars exist and has named every one (Scriptures 2:   God Determines # of Stars and  Calls each by Name – Psalms 147:4).  God knows what every star is and what every star contains, even all those distant stars we cannot see.

I believe the Bible could be saying that if there is intelligent life on other planets, it’s because God put them there.  Nothing exists apart from God.  God made everything; every planet and every living being.

Man Made in God’s Image:

We may (or may not) be the only beings made in God’s image (Scriptures 3: In God’s Image and Care – Genesis 1:26-27, Psalms 8:3-4), having the same characteristics (love, hate, joy, sadness, jealousy, etc).  And/or if other worlds may have beings with a sinful nature and would need a savior like we do.  We do know that we were made in God’s image and we chose to have a sinful nature. And we are saved by Christ and God lovingly takes care of us. 

Conclusion – Is There Intelligent Life on Other Planets?:

The only thing for sure is if there is any other intelligent life out there, it came from God and God is the creator.  Whether other beings need a savior or not, we know that with our sinful nature, we need Christ to be our savior. 

If there are aliens among us, God knows and God is in control.

PDF: Is There Intelligent Life on Other Planets?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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