We know that God healed miraculously in biblical times.
But does God heal miraculously today like He did then? Here are just a couple of scriptures describing how God healed miraculously in biblical times.
Acts 19:11-12 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.
Luke 9:1-2 When Jesus had called the twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
So, we know healings happened in biblical times, but does God heal miraculously today? Jesus tells us that nothing is impossible if we have faith.
Matthew 17:20-21 (Jesus said) “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Personal Testimonies of how God heals miraculously today:
Yes, God does heal miraculously today. I received two miraculous healings myself. One was permanent, and the other was temporary (only for that service).
1. Temporary healing:
The temporary healing happened while I was at church. It was a bad air quality day and I was having trouble breathing. During worship time, I was continuously coughing. So, I sat down and told the Lord “Sorry Lord, but I just can’t breathe”. At that moment my lungs opened up and I breathed in the biggest clearest breath ever. I’ve never experienced my lungs being that clear before. It lasted through the church service and I didn’t cough even one time. As soon as the service was over, all the breathing difficulties came back.
2. Permanent healing:
The permanent healing happened when I was 20 years old. I was not raised in church and knew nothing about God. I was just married and we had a neighbor who witnessed to me about how good God is and how much she loves Him. That was all new for me.
I had been having headaches. So one day, having a horrible headache, I decided to try praying for the first time ever. I told God that if He got rid of my headache, I would not just say I don’t believe in the Bible, but I would actually read the bible first and make an educated decision whether I believed it or not. At that moment, I felt a hand go into my head, grab the pain, and pulled the pain out through the top of my head. I went up on my toes when He was pulling it out. The pain was gone! And I did go get a bible and read it all and studied it. Unfortunately, I was stupid and decided I didn’t believe it and went on in my worldly life.
Twenty years later, I got a CT scan on my sinuses and they found what looked like a brain tumor the size of a dime. I had to go get some other tests and the Neurologist explained that he had been doing this for over 30 years and he had never seen anything like this. It appears I had a brain tumor at one time, but it is now black and completely dead. He said I could have had it for many years, maybe even as a child. It could possibly be a calcium deposit, but he really didn’t think so. I believe the Lord healed me from a brain tumor by pulling the life out of it. In 2021, I had a CT Scan done and it still shows up. It’s an awesome reminder for me of what God has done.
I have not seen a miraculous healing on another person yet, but I have heard from very reliable sources that they have happened. I’m not talking about praying for healing, and the person goes through treatments and/or surgery and was eventually healed. I’m talking about a miraculous healing at the moment of prayer. I believe they do happen today and I’m hoping to be a witness to many miraculous healings to come.
PDF: Does God Still Heal Miraculously Today?
See: Miracles Today Bible Study Worksheet
See: Part 1 #3. Do Miracles really Happen Today?
Also See: Part 3 #6. A Prayer for Healing
See: Free Bible Study Worksheets
Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers
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