A Prayer for Strength

A Prayer for Strength

Dear Lord:

Thank you Lord for giving us the strength to carry on.  You are always with us, taking care of us according to your will.  I am in awe of how you care for every one of us, no matter how we may fail at following and/or serving you.  You go with us through everything, good and bad.  You are always faithful and just (Deuteronomy 32:3-4).

I come to you asking for strength.  Sometimes, I get tired and weak and need your help.

Please give me strength physically and mentally (Scriptures 1 –  Physically & Mentally).  Oftentimes, I get so tired and weary that it affects my health.  Help me to let go of anger and hurt.  Relieve me of feeling stress and help me to trust in you.  I know I need to have my mind on you always, but sometimes the stresses and griefs of the day distract me.  Oh, how I need your strength in my body and mind.

Lord, I most definitely need your strength in times of temptations (Scriptures 2  – Temptation).  This world has temptations everywhere I go.  It’s hard to not do things that other people are doing all around me.  Give me strength not to love the world, but to love you and your commandments.   Make me strong to say “No!” to the things that are not of you and to follow you in everything I do.

Sometimes, it is hard to endure the troubled times and I want to just give up.  I need your strength and I need you with me as I experience endurance (Scriptures 3 – Endurance).  Every now and then,  I have to endure so much that it can break me down.  I can’t do it on my own.  I need you to stand by my side and get me through it.

One of my weak points is patience.  Help me to be patient and wait on you (Scriptures 4 –  Patience & Waiting).  When I don’t see answers to my prayers, it can feel like you’re not with me.  But, I know your timing is perfect and you know what is best.  Give me the strength to wait on you patiently.

Most importantly, I pray for strength in my spirit (Scriptures 5 –  Spiritual).    Dwell in my heart, Lord.  May my faith in you be strong!  Please help me when unbelief sneaks in.  I know I need to always put you first and you should be the center of my life.  But, the distractions in the world can at times pull me away and make me forget that.   I want to be strong in my faith and always put you first.  May your will (not mine) be done!

I pray in your beautiful name, Jesus.   Amen

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