A Prayer for Revival

prayer for revival

Thank you Lord for your wonderful Holy Spirit and for always being with us, even when we stray.  You know every one of us in more detail than we could ever know ourselves, and how desperately we need your loving grace and mercy.

Oh Lord I pray for a revival.   Starting with me.  Please revive my passion for you.  I admit I have gotten complacent in my service for you.   I  don’t want to be lukewarm in your mouth, so you spit me out (Revelation 3:15-16).  Put a fire in my heart.  Bring back that excitement as when I first came to know you.   Put a desire in me to pray constantly and study your word.  Help me to make you my center, my core.  And help me to follow you wholeheartedly and serve you, doing your will.  I pray to come so close to you that I can hear your voice and receive direction and see miracles!

I also pray for revival in my church and in all your churches around the world.  Do something to stir us up.  Lord, touch each person with your Holy Spirit as they enter your churches.  May they feel your powerful presence and may their spirits be revived.  Convict and correct those that are teaching falsely or not doing your will.  Through your Holy Spirit, give your servants boldness and courage to spread their witness of your goodness and saving power (Acts 1:8).   And protect them as they serve. 

Revive our households and families.  We seem to have lost touch with you.  Family units have split apart.  We’ve become selfish and want our own way.   Our families have lost you.  You are not there to be the glue that keeps us together.   You must be so disappointed with us.   Please don’t hold anger towards us but revive us (Psalms 85:5-7).  Forgive your children and have mercy on us.   Help us bring you back into our families, praying together and studying  your word. 

I lift up my country and the ruling governments within it.  We have strayed so far from you.  We desperately need your cleansing (Ezekiel 36:25-28).  Bring us leaders that go to you for direction and seek your will, not their own selfish gain.  Revive your land!  Bring peace.  May this land be filled with your people, living your will, and following you.

In the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I pray.  Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Revival

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