What Happens When We Die?

What happens when we die?  The big question we all want to know.

Now with technology, people who died and are brought back to life with a defibrillator (or other means) can tell their story.  I’ve heard (on television shows, social media, & in person) that some people went straight to hell or heaven.   Some just left their body and watched the doctors work on them.  Some saw a light they were drawn to.  And some didn’t experience anything.

What the Bible Says Happens When We Die:

But what does the Bible say happens? Very vague hints and puzzles in the Bible, so maybe that’s one of those things that the Lord doesn’t want us to know just yet.

Must be Born Again With Jesus:

God does though make it perfectly clear that the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ.  We must be born again (in spirit) and make Jesus our Lord and allow Jesus to change us and lead us.  We must have that personal connection with Jesus (Scriptures 1 –  Born Again Through Jesus).

Judgement Day When We Die:

The Bible also talks a lot about judgement day (Scriptures 2 – Judgement Day).  There will come a day when every person will stand before God and be judged.

Scriptures seem to suggest that maybe the ones who didn’t have Jesus in their hearts will be judged on their sins and will not get to heaven.   The ones who had Jesus in their heart will be judged on their good deeds and will go to heaven (Scriptures 3 – Judge Dead & Reward Servants of Christ).  This suggests to me that there are levels in hell and heaven and that the judgement will be what level of heaven or hell you will go to for eternity.  But it’s not perfectly clear so that may be wrong.

The Bible also states that on the last day, the dead in Christ will rise from the grave. (Scriptures 4 – Dead in Christ  Will Rise on Last Day).  That would suggest that we don’t immediately go be with Jesus, but will rise to be with Jesus later on the last day.

Time Between Death and Judgement Day:

That leads me to question what happens to us between the time we die and judgement day.  There are several verses in the Bible (Old & New Testament) that describe the dead as fallen asleep. (Scriptures 5 – Dormant State of Sleep).  So, are we in a dormant state of sleep during that in-between time? It says in Daniel 12:2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.  The verse says “many of those who sleep”, so does that  suggest some people would just stay asleep? 

When We Die We Go Straight to Jesus?:

Then it gets really confusing because there are verses that indicate going straight to be with Jesus (Scriptures 6 – Straight to Hell or Heaven).  In Luke 16:19-28 Jesus tells the parable of the rich man and the beggar.  The rich man seems to go straight to hell and sees the beggar in heaven.  In Philippians 1:22-23 & 2 Corinthians 5:6–10, Paul seems to suggest we go straight to be with Jesus.  I’ve heard a pastor explain that our spirit goes to heaven, and our bodies rise up on the last day.  But that makes no sense to me either. 

Conclusion – What Happens When We Die?:

Like I said in the beginning of this article, the Bible gives hints & puzzles, so maybe that’s one of those things that the Lord doesn’t want us to know just yet. Or maybe our limited minds are just not capable of understanding.

PDF: What Happens When We Die?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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