A Prayer for Rest

a prayer for rest

A Prayer for Rest by jenaministries

Dear Lord (A Prayer for Rest),

Thank you for my life.  I hope the way I live pleases you.  I strive to live for you.  Please forgive me for the areas that do not please you and help me overcome my weaknesses. 

My Weaknesses:

One of my weaknesses I now come to you for is rest.  I understand that physical rest is important for our physical health and to have a day holy to the Lord and rest in you is important to our spiritual health.  I admit I know I do not get enough rest in either of those areas.

Seventh Day Holy:

Even you rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2-3) after creating our beautiful world.  Then you blessed the seventh day and made it holy.

The Israelites (or maybe I should say “you”) made the sabbath day a law (Exodus 31:15, Leviticus 23:3), and the people were to be put to death if they got caught doing any work on the seventh day (the Sabbath).  This was a very important day to the Jewish people. And they kept this Jewish law through the years until your birth. But maybe they took it a little too far.

You had to teach them (Luke 6:6-10, John 5:16-23, Matthew 12:11) that it is ok to do God’s work on the Sabbath.  If you see someone in need, it is ok to help them on the Sabbath day.  And if there is an emergency, it is ok to take care of it on the Sabbath.  If a sheep falls in a pit, it is ok to pull the sheep out.  For my time, an example could be that it is ok to fix a flat tire on the sabbath.

Lord, please help me with my schedule. My days are packed with busyness from early morning to evening when I collapse into bed. Sometimes I get one or two days a week off from work. But, there is still so many things that need to get done. I just don’t have time to take a day off to rest in you.


I’m not really sure what it means to have a whole day holy to the Lord and rest in you.  Please teach me what that means for me.  Your Word says if we ask for wisdom, you will always give it to us (James 1:5); so I’m asking.  Please give me wisdom of what it is to rest in you and how to fit one day a week in my schedule. 

Thank you for your Word and for that wonderful Holy Spirit who guides and teaches us.  I pray in that beautiful name Jesus, my Lord and savior.  Amen.

PDF: A Prayer for Rest

See More Prayers on: List of Prayers

See: Part 1 #7. Peace and Joy in Hard Times

See: Part 2 #14. Can We Always Be Content?

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

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