When Are We Too Prideful?

When Are We Too Prideful?  by jenaministries


Sure, it’s good to have pride in your achievements and in who you are.  But at what point does a person become too prideful?

The definition of the word “prideful” in iphone app WordNet3.0 is – Having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy. 

When we think we are superior above everyone else and become arrogant is when it has gone too far.   This is when we can get into a pattern of only thinking of ourselves and getting what we want, not caring about the consequences or wellbeing of other people.

What Jesus Taught Us:

Jesus worked hard to teach us to be humble servants and to not get trapped into pridefulness (Scriptures 1. Jesus Taught Us to Be Humble Servants).  Jesus also spoke about the Pharisees.  How they followed all the Jewish laws, but they were prideful.  He warned us not to be like them (Scriptures 2. Don’t Be Like the Pharisees).

Pharisees thought they knew it all.  They loved money and had expensive things and wore fine clothing, not caring about the welfare of other people.  Everything had to be done their way and they were quick to condemn people for wrong doings.  When they prayed, the prayed loudly in public so everyone could see how great they are.  They were arrogant and thought they were superior to everyone else.

Personal Testimony:

During my childhood and young adult days, I was told practically everyday (in one way or another) that I was unimportant.   Everyone else on this planet was more important than me.  And no one cared if I was hurting or needing something.  I wasn’t worth the bother to help or love.  I knew deep inside that wasn’t true, but still somehow, I lived my life as though it was.  I always considered other people’s wants and feelings over mine.  So, I actually had to learn how to have pride in myself and to do some things that were good for me, even if other people didn’t like it.   However, being careful not to become too prideful as some other people I had seen and/or known.

For me, a prideful person thinks they are always right and they know it all.   They put people down if they dare to disagree.  They think they are more important than anyone else and everything has to be done their way.  They often put themselves at center of attention, even if a gathering is about someone else.  They can also tend to be bossy and controlling and they don’t care how other people feel.


So where do we draw the line?  At what point are we too prideful? 

Jesus taught us to have a servant mindset; to care about and help other people.  He also taught us to be humble; to know we too are sinners and are not even close to being perfect.  If we have that humble servant mindset, we will not be as tempted to become arrogant or prideful.  Once we start living life just for ourselves (and our family), and not thinking of other people is when we run into trouble.  When we believe we deserve all that we have because we worked hard to get it can lead us to pridefulness too.  Yes, you should be proud of all your hard work, but remember, not everyone has had the health, opportunity, and ability as God has blessed you with.

Remember, it’s not all about you.  Be a humble servant.  Care for others.  Follow Jesus!

PDF: When Are We Too Prideful?

See: Pride Bible Study Worksheet

See: Part 2 #9. Is Your Tongue a Weapon?

Also See: Part 2 #6. Do You Show Favoritism?

See: Part 4 #1. The Life of Solomon

See: Free Bible Study Worksheets

Also See: Part 3 – List of Prayers

My Testimony

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